Dratted winter!
Here in the hot pink tropical cave we are keeping nice and warm.
I did take some beautiful photos this morning of a selection of woollen jumpers and brilliant coloured scarves that we have in the shop, but I can't get the whatsit to load onto the thingummy. 
So while I struggle with machines of the 21st century I thought I'd take it back to the old school 19th century with a wool wash recipe made from ingredients that can be found in the supermarket -


2 cups of soap flakes or finely grated pure soap
Half a cup of methylated spirits
25ml eucalyptus and/or lavender oil

  • Combine ingredients in a wide-mouthed jar
  • Shake until everything in combined
  • Use 2 tablespoons per litre of warm water to wash, then rinse
This stuff lasts for ages (it may go solid, but then just scrape it out of the jar with a spoon), is environmentally no problem and keeps the moths off the woolies!

Have fun, be warm and bright.